
26 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses

Truely, a grand tribute.

Well, I have been around for a few Pico Day's so far, and I have to say, this truely is the best flash I have ever seen among them all. At the beginning of the movie, I thought there was not going to be any music, since nothing was playing when Dranell was fighting against the 'Portal Bot', I guess you could call him, but once the music began, it went along perfectly with flash itself.

Also, I found it very unique that you had Pico having 'flashbacks', when in truth he was actually seeing the future to begin with, so in short he was dreaming of a future that could be, while having flashbacks of what will be, and what it could result in, at least, thats my take on it.

Overall, I truely found this to be a great movie, and a perfect tribute for Pico Day. I am certain that you will be in the #1 spot for this years award. Congradulations on a job perfectly done.

PS: Nice little addition of the Portal Bot entering 'Blam Mode', I didn't see it coming to be honest. =P

EvilSeed responds:

...or... dreaming of what happened in the past, while having flashbacks of what will be... since in the brief we put "a past battle..." (you know, those horrible past times in the portal, maybe thats what turn him into a psycho, but then darnell should be already dead in the school XD.) but the way you put it is cool too, maybe even better :P... anyway, thanks for your comments.

Truely a masterpiece.

I watched the whole series a couple years back... And even to this day, I still find the entire series to be a complete masterpiece. The animation was perfect, the voice acting was great, the fights were wonderful, the bits of comedy were well placed, and you even managed to slip a little romance in at the end. Overall, the XIN series will always be a legendary series in my opinion, and I can't wait to see more work from you guys.

Once again, great job overall, I would say no other words explain this series other then perfection.


A very nice series indeed.

I have been watching this series for some time now, and have found it truely to be a very entertaining one indeed. The 'story' is great, the jokes are very good, and overall it is simply grand in my opinion. The only thing I really have to complain about is having to wait for the next one to come out, since we have all been waiting for ages, and want to keep watching our heroes in their psychotic adventure.=P

Overall, a very great job, and I can't wait to see more. Good luck with your future animations!

Booyaka my friend! - Cossack

A great movie, but with small flaws.

This was truely a great collaberation, the choice of what to be beating the tar out of truely was a suprise, since I honestly never expected anyone to take old Sand Bag out from the Super Smash Brothers game and plant him face first in such a war zone, heh. I truely found this movie to be great, from each and every fight scene, except for Harpuia, who seemed to be going easy on the (seemingly)helpless Sand Bag, but I was quite interested in the use of perspective, such as how he was knocking Sand Bag back and forth, as well as further out and closer too. Overall, I found the movie to be very good, but with all good things come bad things.

The only thing I really found 'wrong' with the movie was the lack of music imbetween at times, and near the end. The music greatly added to the action and viewing, but when it suddenly is deathly quiet(Aside from the beating noises, which were always enjoyed) it simply seemed to take away from the experiance a bit... But oh well, it was not that big a deal in the end, and I congradulate all of the authors that took part in this on a job VERY well done, and can't wait to see more work from you all. ^_^

Booyaka my friends! - Cossack

Once again, well done.

Hello again, I doubt you remember me but I reviewed your last Nazo Unleashed movie. Once agian, a grand job on the movie, and I can't wait to see the next. I still don't know why people seem to be forced to complain so much about it having Dragon Ball Z elements in it... I say that it adds quite well to it, and simply enhances the viewing experiace. But, in the end, no one can force others to think the same or like the same things. One way or another, I congradulate you on another well made movie, and can't wait to see the next. ^_^

Booyaka my friend! - Cossack

Simply grand.

I would have to say that this movie was great! Don't listen to all those imbeciles who just say 'OMG YOUR RIPPPIGN OFF OF DBZ!' and the like, because I know as well that Sonic the Hedgehog has done quite a few things that are the same as DBZ, such as in Shadow the Hedgehog when your fighting the final, FINAL boss, but I wont get into that, after all, I would not want to spoil it for those who havent played through it yet.

But back to the review. I thought the movie was very well made, and that even though the voices were simply voice clips from the games, they did indeed fit very well, the only one that I dident think fit was when Tails said 'Soni-', because it dident really seem to fit the moment, and sounded exactly like it was, a chopped off voice clip. But overall I found the movie to be very good, and although the voice clip matching was very well done, I think in your next episode you should switch to voice actors instead, so that you can have more of a variety of things for the characters to say, since I doubt there is too much that can be said once you run use up all of the words from the games.

Overall I would say this movie gets a 9.9/10, just because I think you could make it far better with voice actors. Well, I will stop babbleing now, good luck with your future projects! I can't wait to see them! =D

Yup, this is my profile. Not much to be seen, really. I work on Parallel Memories with Pkmn2, I'm basically a script monkey and a minor voice in the background. Aand, that's about it. Now get out before I take a barracuda to your intestinal tract.

Age 36, Male

Sensible Psychopath

Trout Bashers Inc.


Joined on 8/15/06

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