
7 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 26 Reviews

So YOU'RE the reason I died in that level! You sorry sonofa...

Silly little flash, but neat all the same. Well animated, at least.

Pienkaito responds:

Hey, you should watch where ya goin'!

Thanks for the comment.

So, this was your little secret project.

I wondered what you were working on this whole time. Well, gotta say, it came out good. Considering how quickly you made it, ran rather nicely, and I couldn't spot any audio-desyncing or anything. Nice classic graphics, silly plot, all around a fun Halloween vid.(And a nostalgia trip. Ghost and Goblins! Haven't seen that game in ages.)

Nice job, keep up the good work.


Pienkaito responds:

Yep, this was my secret project.
I haven't posted anything this year and Parallel Memories: Episode 1 is only half done.
So this is my little please-take-this-and-don't-kill-me candy.

Thanks for watching and happy Halloween.
PS.: I forgot to mention in the description. Did you find the traditional V.2 easter egg? =)
I will update the author's description for the hint.

Fantastical fighting.

I can see where this would fit into a collab.. But even on it's own, it's a great piece, I'd have to say. I liked the voice clips for Marichu, I think they worked better then simply re-using old Mario sound clips to try and give him a "voice", especially since he isn't meant to be the actual Mario.. It's good to have his uniqueness made more easy to see.

Great work, once again. Keep up the wonderful animating! Can't wait to see what's next. :)


Pienkaito responds:

Thanks Ran for your well-construct review.
I really appreciate it. =D


Street Fighting Gold.

Have to say, I liked it quite a bit. The intro and opening sequences in your movies are quite quickly becoming far higher quality, and more detailed, and your grasp on, I suppose you could say "physics"/gravity is very good, compared to your last few combat based videos.

The menu music was nice, and the sound effects during the video were well done in my opinion.(Gotta love the voice clips, for Haduken's and Shoryukens.=P )

The ending credits with Curse-R "fighting" against the entire Street Fighter crew after upgrading them all from their original old fashioned forms was a very nice touch, I must say. It was fun to see him/her?/it get the tar beaten out of it, and quickly run off before the Street Fighter crew could finish the job.

My only complaints....? That we don't have even more of these fantastic videos from you right now, heheh.

Keep up the fantastic work my friend, I eagerly await the premiere of your next video, whenever it may be, it will certainly be worth the wait, I'm sure!

-Ran Cossack.

Pienkaito responds:

Hey, thanks that you liked it!
I also think I improved a lot since.
Oh and Curse-R is an "it". XD

Language barrier? Who gives a damn?

I'd have to say, it is quite an interesting change to go from English to Korean so suddenly.. But I for one enjoyed it just as much, if not more, this way. If you and your voice actors have an easier time working using Korean scripts, rather then English, then honestly, I say go for it my friend. Having to read subtitles is a very very small sacrifice to have to make, when getting to watch these fantastic movies.

I am quite eager to see the next one, keep up the good work, and ignore the ignorant imbeciles that try to put you down for any reason... I thought the English voice acting was good, and I think the Korean voice acting is great too, I honestly don't know why some people try to act as though the barrier between different languages is such a huge impact on things. Just because the characters are speaking in a foreign language, and you don't understand them, doesn't mean you can't recognize what they are trying to say, by paying attention. Plus, you provided Sub Titles, to make it even easier to understand!

Once again, fantastic work on your series, keep it up, and good luck to you on your future videos, I await eagerly to see them.


GunChest responds:

great reivew...I'm gonna give to you 10/10...
I'll do my best...keep watch my works...thanks...

The beginning of another epic series.

I have to say, after spending so much time around Newgrounds, and seeing so many movies, good and bad, this honestly looks to be quickly shaping up to be another fantastic series. Considering the fact that you have only made three flash animations thus far, if this is just the BEGINNING of your animating, one can only imagine how wonderful your work will be as time goes on.

Animation: Simply wonderful, it moves along very nicely in the movie, and honestly, I can't still have yet to get bored after watching it over and over again. A 10 out of 10, for certain.

Violence: Sure, there wasn't alot of rending and murdering with loads of blood, but so what? Fighting doesn't always have to be about blood and gore, and this movie simply reinforces that fact. Another 10 out of 10, for showing that a fight doesn't have to be filled with blood, to be wonderful.

Audio: Ah, another fantstic piece that makes up this movie.. The voice acting was grand, I doubt anyone can deny that. The "sound effects", such as Spoiler walking, and Cyril blasting off fireballs, all sounded like music to my ears. The only "negative" I can find is when Spoiler was hit by Cyril's lightning, and Bellah(I think thats her name?) started screaming. It's not that it didn't fit the moment, but it simply came right out of the blue, a bit too quickly, and loudly. I'd suggest lowering the volume on screams like that a bit, so that it doesn't hurt a persons ears if they don't have the ability to turn their volume down quickly. However, other then that, audio gets another 10 out of 10.

Comedy: What can I say? The comedy was comedic, though not heavily enough to take away from the "seriousness" of the scenes. You balanced the comedy quite nicely, and I have to say keep up the good work. I also liked the little references throughout the movie, such as "raise the shields", and "I'm a WIZARD, not a Mage! Ya don't see me spammin frost lance, now do ya?". Another 10 out of 10, though those who don't like this type of comedy will obviously find it to be one of the reasons to whine.

Overall, a 10 out of 10 in my books. I truely can't wait to see what you come out with next, my friend.

Also, on a slightly related note, do you have any plans on possibly animating the beginning of the series, when things were still comic format? I'd have to say, it would be very fun to see the fight between Spoiler and Mistress JJ, and it would help those who don't take the time to check the info you provided when it comes to learning more about whats going on, if we had the option of seeing the series from the start in animation format as well. But, thats not to say it doesn't work just as nicely in pure comic format either. One way or another, it is your choice what you choose to do with this fantastic series, and I eagerly await the next installments. Till then, good luck with your future animations and comics!


Zeurel responds:

If i get time i'll most likely go back and animate everything, there really needs to be a 48 hour day.

cheers for the review!

Truely, a grand tribute.

Well, I have been around for a few Pico Day's so far, and I have to say, this truely is the best flash I have ever seen among them all. At the beginning of the movie, I thought there was not going to be any music, since nothing was playing when Dranell was fighting against the 'Portal Bot', I guess you could call him, but once the music began, it went along perfectly with flash itself.

Also, I found it very unique that you had Pico having 'flashbacks', when in truth he was actually seeing the future to begin with, so in short he was dreaming of a future that could be, while having flashbacks of what will be, and what it could result in, at least, thats my take on it.

Overall, I truely found this to be a great movie, and a perfect tribute for Pico Day. I am certain that you will be in the #1 spot for this years award. Congradulations on a job perfectly done.

PS: Nice little addition of the Portal Bot entering 'Blam Mode', I didn't see it coming to be honest. =P

EvilSeed responds:

...or... dreaming of what happened in the past, while having flashbacks of what will be... since in the brief we put "a past battle..." (you know, those horrible past times in the portal, maybe thats what turn him into a psycho, but then darnell should be already dead in the school XD.) but the way you put it is cool too, maybe even better :P... anyway, thanks for your comments.

Yup, this is my profile. Not much to be seen, really. I work on Parallel Memories with Pkmn2, I'm basically a script monkey and a minor voice in the background. Aand, that's about it. Now get out before I take a barracuda to your intestinal tract.

Age 36, Male

Sensible Psychopath

Trout Bashers Inc.


Joined on 8/15/06

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